Book, Music & Lyrics by Richard O'Brien |
Original Music and Arrangements by Richard Hartley |
Directed by Tony Alcock |
Production Design - Lyn Pelgrave
Costumes - Michelle Peloe based on designs by Sue Blane
Production Manager - Lyn Pelgrave
Musical Director -
Lighting -
Sound Operator -
Produced by: On the Boards Theatre Company
Principal Cast: |
Dr. Frank N. Furter: Stefan Cooper-Fox |
Janet Weiss: Crystal Taylor |
The Usherette/Magenta: Venessa Crowley |
Riff Raff: Graham Moore |
Columbia: Jacy Lewis (Jacy Moore) |
Eddie/Dr. Scott: David Knijnenburg |
The Narrator: Steven Tandy |
Rocky Horror: Robbie |

Brisbane News (Australia) - Wednesday, November 24, 2004
More than a musical, The Rocky Horror Show is a cultural phenomenon. It may be difficult to believe, but the show is more than 30 years old - which puts the original Franky fans well into middle age. Along with some younger converts, they're out in force at the Twelfth Night Theatre, determined to do the Time Warp again. As a rule, I eschew comparisons with previous productions or other renderings of the same material. But, given the cult status of this show and the enduring popularity of the 1975 film The Rocky Horror Picture Show, such comparisons are inevitable.
Certainly, this show takes its design and characterisation cues from the film. But the movie was blessed with such talents as Tim Curry, Susan Sarandon, Barry Bostwick, Meat Loaf and show creator Richard O'Brien. Subsequent stage versions have featured the likes of Reg Livermore, Daniel Abineri, Guy Pearce and Russell Crowe.
It was always going to be impossible for local producer Lyn Pelgrave to attract star power of that calibre. Only one of the performers, former television actor Steven Tandy, could claim any recognition factor at all. But that doesn't really matter, because the show itself is the star. The audience's enthusiastic approval of what was by no means a perfect production - and the fact that the show has extended its run due to strong bookings - is evidence enough of that. People of all ages go to see Rocky Horror for all sorts of reasons: its camp retro plot, its crazy characters, its sexual references, sexy costumes and near-nudity (making it unsuitable for young children) and, not least, its incredibly potent score. The hum-along numbers just keep coming, from big rockers like Time Warp, Sweet Transvestite, Eddie, Hot Patootie, Touch-A Touch-A Touch Me, and Wild and Untamed Thing, to the haunting melody of Science Fiction/Double Feature and the touching I'm Going Home.
They're all there, but while there is mention of a live band in the program and the cast acknowledged musicians offstage at the curtain call, for the most part the backing seemed canned and muted. The sound certainly didn't fill the room the way a big, brash rock musical should.
In the central role of Dr Frank N. Furter, Stefan Cooper-Fox seems too self-conscious and reserved. Maybe he's still coming to terms with the stilettos, or perhaps he hasn't yet given himself over to absolute pleasure. Still, he carries himself well in a corset and fishnet stockings, and that certainly drew the appreciation of many in the audience. Vocally, his thunder was stolen by Brad Kendrick (as Brad), who battled against microphone problems in the second act, and Crystal J. Taylor (Janet), who looks and sounds a little like a young Sarandon. Venessa Crowley does double duty as the usherette and Magenta, and she's stunningly good, especially with her cheeky rendering of the opening number. Tandy makes for a plausible old coot as the Narrator, and while Graham Moore is no Richard O'Brien, his reading of Riff-Raff isn't too bad. For me, this Rocky Horror seemed too subdued, too inhibited and too safe. It lacked the one thing that this show is all about: passion.
the rocky horror show by Richard O'Brien
director: Tony Alcock for On the Boards
starring: Stefan Cooper-Fox, Brad Kendrick, Crystal J. Taylor and Steven Tandy
venue: Twelfth Night Theatre until Sunday (Nov 28)
